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Scope of Electrical Engineering in Pakistan

This article narrates the importance of electrical engineering in Pakistan. The objective is to clearly outline the scope of electrical engineering in Pakistan. Clearly the article highlights all the career options available to electrical engineers after graduation. It discusses salaries and job market.

Electrical engineering is a study of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. It is one of the most important branches of engineering. Apparantely, electrical engineering is used extensively in the industry.

Today, electrical engineering, has further subdivisions. Electronics is a subdivision of electrical engineering. It has its own specialization.

In fact, many of the courses taught in electrical engineering bachelors program overlap with other engineering disciplines. For example, students pursuing a computer engineering degree will also be taught many of the electrical engineering courses. The objective is to have the core engineering framework similar for certain disciplines.

Electrical engineering is one of the top fields in engineering after 12th grade in Pakistan. In fact, electrical engineering has the highest merit. Only top level students can into electrical engineering. Hence, students need to prepare in advance to get admission in electrical engineering.


Electrical engineering scope in Pakistan

Electrical engineers develop and design systems for generating and transmitting electricity. In Pakistan, electrical engineering assists industrial growth. Additionally, electrical engineers also are building devices to further improve efficiencies in the industry.

In Pakistan, electrical engineers design and develop electrical machinery. Since Pakistan is an agricultural country, companies like Millat tractors hire electrical engineers. Furthermore, Honda and Toyota assembly plants also hire electrical engineers for their circuitry integration.

The world revolves around electrical gadgets. Computer computers, tablets, and phones are all of electrical units. Similarly, household items run on electricity. For example, microwaves and ovens require electrical capabilities to run.



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    A new Avenue rising in Pakistan is Robotics. Likewise, microprocessors and control systems are important fields. Electrical engineering students code microprocessors and highly advanced chips. In particular, this is a new requirement from the field.

    Medical imaging is another very important field that requires electrical engineers. Electrical engineers build modern hospital units and devices. The latest CT, MRI and Pat scanners are built by highly skilled electrical engineers. These devises also require computer engineers. Computer engineering scope in Pakistan is also in demand. Computer engineers also assist in building and maintaining gadgets, devises and machines.

    Military industry also heavily utilizes electrical engineering skills. Electrical engineers assist in building space projects and missile systems. You require electrical engineers to create storage networks and imaging systems.

    The above stated points validate the importance of electrical engineers in Pakistan. The scope of electrical engineering in Pakistan is increasing. With the high population growth, new housing societies are being built. Electrical engineers build power generation systems to distribute electrical power to commercial and consumer markets.


    Careers in Electrical Engineering in Pakistan

    The following industry hires fresh electrical engineers:

    • Electronics industry
    • Military industry
    • Aerospace
    • Telecommunications
    • Computer manufacturing industry
    • Construction companies


    Almost all industries require electrical engineers. Electrical engineers are responsible to repair, design and install different components. Engineers can work on small projects as well as large scale projects. For large scale projects, electrical engineers enroll in project manager courses to understand how to manage projects.

    All construction companies require electrical engineers. You need electrical engineers to complete the light system on roads. The aviation industry requires engineers to ensure full working of their radar systems. All computer related gadgets require electrical engineers to build the circuitry.

    In fact, many of our electrical engineers graduate from colleges and universities in Pakistan get opportunities outside the country. The Middle East hires numerous electrical engineers.

    Telecom sector comprises three components. The user devices, medium and network units. The medium is fiber, satellite, or any wireless network. The user devices are a tablet or a computer. Significantly, network units are the hardware that integrates together. This network provides services like Internet, voice, and data. The entire telecom sector requires electrical engineers. Engineers build the components. They are also responsible to maintain the networks.

    Electrical engineers also get heavily involved in research. After graduating, they tend to pursue higher education in Pakistan as well as outside of Pakistan. They are hired by the military to work in the aeronautical division. Electrical engineers work closely with aeronautical engineers to work on latest jet technology. There is an increasing scope of aeronautical engineering in Pakistan after graduation.

    Electrical engineering salary in Pakistan in rupees

    The electrical engineering salary depends upon the industry that you choose. However, on an average, a fresh graduate in electrical engineering makes between Rs. 40,000 to 60,000 per month.



    Scope of Electrical Engineering in Pakistan

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