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Why you want to Join Call Center? Best Answer to the Interview Question

agent talking about why she joined call center

Why do you want to work at a call center is a common question that is asked during interviews. Be prepared. It might seem like a generic question. And perhaps it is. However, many get it wrong. And this is where every thing goes wrong. You need to be well-prepared. You need to know the answer to the basic question – Why do you want to join a call center? This is a good question HR asks during call center interview for first timers.

Call center industry is booming. Many come for the experience. Others for the salary. Majority just come to get first time experience. Indeed, it is the first job for fresh graduates. You speak decent English and you should be good to go. This is true all over the world. However, the question is how to master the interview question.

There are so many answers one can give. You can start out with many reasons. It can be from the following list:

  • Call Centers give a fresh start
  • Entry level need
  • Competitive Salary
  • Flexible Hours

These are all valid answers. But let us dig deeper. This needs your real answer. Why does anyone go for a job? Any job? For financial needs. But is it more than that? Are you looking to build a career? Are you passionate about customer service? Planning on learning how to become a customer service expert? Many things can trigger why you applied for a call center job.


Why are you interested in call center job?

This is a better way of phrasing it. It makes sense. What is your relevancy? Define the interest level. Why are you interested in getting a job at a call center? Always be prepared for any type of call center interview question.

Here we would reiterate that just do not focus on the call center job. Look into the company. Here is an example. There is a major bank. The bank has its own call center. This is where the customers call to activate services. Or they can call for many other reasons. Now you are applying for that particular job. Here are some great answers to this particular question.

“I always wanted to work in a bank. I have a finance background. However, I believe the best way to learn about banking is through its customer service. Here you meet and learn about the products. And also learn about the customers. Best way to start a career. Hence, applying for a call center job.”

Exact answer. It works. Because is showing the interest. It gives the value. And all the answers lead towards value. You have to sell yourself in an interview. Irrespective of your education level. Give meaning and value to the question.

Now suppose it is not a bank. And you want to work in another industry. The same logic applies. Here is another example.

You are applying to a local online shopping site company. They specialize in online delivery of items. You just finished a degree in general management. And you are crazy about the online market. This is the time. You need to delve into the job market. Here is the best answer.

“Internet companies thrive on customer value. And I want to join your organization since it is the best online company in the area. However, the business is where the customer is at. And that is what I want to learn first. Hence, applying for a call center job.”

Remember that all call center businesses are booming. BPO campaigns, international campaigns and telemarketing campaigns are expanding from Pakistan. Call centers make good money on these international call center service offerings.

This shows the intent very clearly.


How Not to Answer this Question

Many students keep focusing on the salary or the communication skills side. Both are wrong. Salary is a known factor. We all work for money. But that is not the right answer. Why? Because employers want to meet dedicated and energetic individuals. Never do a job for the money. It never works out that way.

Also, there is huge potential to increase skills. Call centers are always looking for supervisors. You can become a successful call center supervisor. But you need to start as an agent first.


Our Final Recommendations on Answering Why Do You Want to Work for a Call Center

Always focus on the customer service part. Irrespective of the company. Customer service, what you want to learn. Everything else is secondary. The above answers are the best to answer why you want to join a call center in Pakistan.


Why you want to Join Call Center? Best Answer to the Interview Question

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