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Is ITIL Certification Worth It?

itil certified IT professionals working hard

Let’s begin with the very basics. Any certification has uses. Education enhances skills and mindsets. ITIL certification is no different. Is ITIL certification worth it? Yes! Let us explore the reasons.


ITIL Certification for IT Professionals

Currently if you are an IT professional and are in search of employment then the job descriptions answers the riddle. The answer lies in the newspaper ads. Or even the job placements for IT professionals. Over 85% of jobs in 2018 and beyond are requiring ITL certification. ITIL certification is for ALL IT Professionals. So, you can be an IT executive with over 16 years of experience. Or a fresh IT graduate with six months as internship experience. ITIL certification is an essential certification demanded by IT corporations.

In fact, IT companies hire ITIL certified engineers. What do these IT consulting firms do with ITIL experts? They provide solutions.

ITIL is a framework of best information technology processes and procedures. It is part of the ITSM framework. ITSM stands for information technology service management. Service Management is about servicing the IT segment. Service Management is a mind-set.

Thousands of companies across the globe benefit from ITSM. They benefit from its implementation. The outcomes are obvious.

Irrespective of the outcomes, you as an IT professional need to evaluate if this is important or not. Core advantages of ITIL certification is another aspect. We are focusing on the pieces that make ITIL certification worth it for you or not.

Even if you do not take the exam, sitting in any ITIL certification course will give you extensive knowledge base.

There are always going to be three components of evaluating if any degree is worth it or not. The three important factors are time, cost and effort. So let’s begin. Also refer to the video below. Sound facts determining ITIL is the best choice. Video will go a long way in answering – Is ITIL certification worth it or not!


If you are already working in an IT job role, it becomes very easy. This is in terms of the effort. ITIL is simply a new way of performing certain tasks. So if you are an IT professional you might be already doing many of these processes. However you might not know that they are part of the ITIL process and manuals.

One needs to understand the fact that companies go for ITIL certification because it makes their life easier and more effective. ITIL processes executing provides effective results. Business consultants provide services. Services have outputs. Implementing IT solutions makes things easier.

Have you recently graduated and are trying to pursue an ITL certification? It would still work. As long as you have the technical understanding of how IT networks work you’ll do just fine. ITL certification is a pyramid structure training program. This means that you’d have to do ITL foundation courses and then raise your standards. There are different levels for different kind of operations.

The effort is minimal. For the basic ITIL foundation, it can take 30 minutes a day to 2 hours a day maximum. This is the total effort that is required to pass the examination. For the other certification similar effort of time is required. Interestingly this remains constant. Even if you are preparing for the ITIL foundation level certification, the effort remains the same for other exams as well.

Do realize that effort comes with the dedication and vision. If you have the vision to move forward, effort immediately comes to the rescue.


ITL Certifications

ITL certification start out with the ITIL foundation course. Anyone who wants to actually pursue advanced ITIL certifications has to do this course. ITIL degrees of certifications depends upon your job role or your potential job roles. Different levels correlate with the job function and deliverables. Recommend getting a consultation during the ITIL training to get up to speed on the level of expertise and ITIL advanced levels required. This is same for whatever country you are in. You can enroll in ITIL training in Lahore or ITIL training in Chicago, the content and training remains the same.

But it begins with the first step. We highly recommend that all IT professionals at least take their ITIL foundation course. That exam gives a very broad perspective of the type of questions and knowledge base that is required. Typically the foundation level does not more than three weeks to prepare for. We are referring to the foundation program. The other levels will require similar timelines. However this is again correlated with your level of expertise.



As indicated above all it requires is 30 minutes to 2 hours per day for 3 weeks maximum. This is the total time required. Why not give this much to yourself to develop a new skill?

Many of our students get ITIL certification in 2 weeks. This again depends upon the learning curve. Much of the content is very familiar to the IT professionals. Hence takes lesser time to grasp.



The cost of the exams are really not expensive. Cost has two portions. One is the training part and the other is the examination fees. Many of the companies that IT professionals work in pay for certifications. The reason behind this is that it benefits the companies to have more skill sets. The cost of ITIL foundation is merely under 500 USD.


So let’s reiterate what we’re talking about. You are an IT professional and you’re still not sure if ITIL certification is worth the time, effort and cost?

An easier way to solve this puzzle is to understand there is not going to take a lot of money and it’s not can take a lot of time and effort. All it takes is sitting down for a couple of weeks. And every single week would not take more than two hours of your precious time per day. What you are preparing for is the game changer for you.

ITL certification will have many divisions. The most important dividend is a coming to a certain standard of excellence. That is what ITL service for ITL management does. When the entire world is going to a certain level of expertise it is very critical to ensure that IT professionals reach that level of expertise.

Is ITIL Certification Worth It?

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