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Geology Scope in Pakistan

Geology is a very interesting field of natural science. It is the study of Earth. Within this domain alone, you get to learn about the materials and the process flows associated with the Earth. You explore all the prior, current and future trends that can alter earth. Geology is an important field of study for Pakistan. Unlike many other countries, Pakistan has a diverse portfolio of materials, plains, mountains and resources. All of these factors are exploratory. Geologists play an important role in contributing to the overall economy and impact of Pakistan.

Understanding geology helps in addressing many of the environmental challenges and industrial turbulences. Pakistan has numerous colleges and universities offering different degree programs in geology. One of the main benefits of pursuing a degree in geology is that you can further pursue exciting opportunities in structural geology, petrology, environmental geology and other relevant fields.


Top Career Paths for students graduating with a degree in Geology

Below are the top career paths that any student majoring in geology can pursue:


Petroleum Geologist

One of the most important and sensitive jobs in the market across the world is of petroleum geologists. They are working on exploring oil and gas reserves. The salary for entry-level petroleum geologists ranges from PKR 80,000 to PKR 150,000 per month, with experienced professionals earning significantly more.


Mining Geologist

Mining geologists work on the extraction of minerals and metals. They assess mineral deposits, determine the feasibility of mining projects, and oversee the extraction process. Different vendors exist in Pakistan that hire mining geologists. Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC), Saindak Copper-Gold Project, and Reko Diq Mining Project are all employers hiring mining geologists.


Environmental Geologist

Environmental geologist is another important career path for graduating professionals. They are specialized professionals focusing on soil contamination and groundwater management. And they also work on environmental impact assessments. Many government organizations and firms hire environmental geologists.


Business Consultancy in Geology

As you progress in geology and continue to pursue and close major projects in environmental and mining sectors. What do business management consultants do? They are specialists that act like a consultant and work on helping build synergies and providing key insights. You are the project expert and help projects learn from your level of exposure.


Engineering Geologist

Engineering geologists work with civil engineers and work on assessing geological factors that contribute to the overall success of construction projects. Engineering geologists are specialists that help understand the key factors while building dams, tunnels and highways. These engineers are responsible for analyzing and mitigating geological hazards like earthquakes and landslides.



Geologists can also work as hydrogeologists. These specialists study groundwater distribution, flow, and quality, playing a crucial role in water resource management.


Master’s Level Scope in Geology

A Master level program is mandatory to becoming a specialist. A bachelor level degree only enables you to get into the basics. Specifically in geology, a master level degree program will enhance your employability and expertise level. Organizations are looking for top tier geologists in different fields of study. Additionally, with a master level program, you can also become eligible for extensive and long term projects.

Thirdly, a master level degree improves your monthly salary. You can now get Rs. 200,000 to Rs. 500,000 per month depending upon your level of expertise. Recommend having several years of experience prior to moving into completing a master level degree.


Ph.D. Level

Unlike a master level program, a Ph.D. program open doors in the academic world. You can also work in high research projects. Ph.D. programs involve scientific research and analysis.



Geology Scope in Pakistan

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